Saturday, December 6, 2008
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Ok this is just too funny! I made an ice cream shake for Brandi and Jade decided he should SHARE it with her. When he told her he didn't want to share with her because she already had hers she took the remote control from him and turned the tv off while telling him to share with her so he can watch the tv again! Funny stuff!!
Posted by Boomers Bunch at 7:04 PM 7 comments
Friday, August 29, 2008
So I have been toying with the idea of addind a fun color and finally asked Jen to do it for me!!! I LUV IT!!!
Posted by Boomers Bunch at 11:53 AM 3 comments
Monday, July 28, 2008
Happy Birthday to Lilly!! 2yrs old
On saturday we had Lilly's 2nd birthday party at Brandi's parents house! We had lots of friend and family over and had tons of fun swimming! Oh and this was the firs time I used rolled fondant on a cake. I have always been told that it doesn't taste very good and it's hard to work with. Well i found a recipe online that tasted AWESOME and made it myself and actually had fun doing the whole thing!!!
Happy Birthday to my Princess Lilly Bug!!!
Posted by Boomers Bunch at 10:51 AM 4 comments
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Scary, Lucky
Ok so yesterday afternoon Brandi called me to tell me he just left IBEW Credit Union and it just so happens that the bank was robbed while he was standing at the teller window! The guy actually told Brandi "this has nothing to do with you man" and he didn't even take Brandi's wallet or money that was sitting on the counter. Whats even scarier is that he had a 45 revolver,. Talk about being unlucky and lucky at the same time!
Posted by Boomers Bunch at 10:25 AM 8 comments
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
She cracks me up!!
Posted by Boomers Bunch at 9:39 PM 5 comments
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
A few weeks ago I decided to change my hair color! I get bored easily with my hair color so I change it quite often, but I have done this color before and it is my favorite! The day after that Brandi and I spent the weekend in Irvine CA for "The Classic" VW Car Show! It was so much fun! This was the first time we have gone anywhere without the girls and mind you I kept looking in the back seat to check on them LOL! I couldn't find the pic of me at the beach so just Brandi's pic will have to do. This was at Laguna Beach and it was so BEAUTIFUL!!! We had a total blast and can't wait to do it again next year!!!
Posted by Boomers Bunch at 10:13 PM 8 comments
Monday, May 5, 2008
Another Birthday Party disaster
Posted by Boomers Bunch at 12:04 PM 13 comments
Busy Week
The first pic is of Jade the day we got her cast off!!! Her arm healed up real quick than goodness! The next pics are of her 3rd B-day party on April 26th. I made a Cupcake Heart Cake for her and my brother Bret, Lindsay and their two boys Landen and Logen and my sister Kara came over !! It was lots of fun. On monday my Mom and my sister Kare called Jade and both sang Happy Birthday to her so all that week she kept asking for her Bir-bay cake was LOL! All together it was a fun week!!!
Posted by Boomers Bunch at 11:55 AM 1 comments
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Jade's Pretty cast
Posted by Boomers Bunch at 4:35 AM 7 comments
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
My Poor Little Jader Boo!
On Saturday we went to a friends house for their daughter's 3rd B-day party. Everything was great til 7:30 when Jade decided she was going to climb up the slide instead of sliding down the slide and the second time she tried she fell off and landed on her arm. It was realy weird cause it was in slow-mo and I didn't see everything that happened. I was talking to my friend Stacey and she was partially blocking my view of the slide. I saw what Jade was doing then all of a sudden she was facing the opposite direction and on the ground screaming. I felt so bad and the first thing I thought was oh no please don't let her have broken her arm. Her arm swelled up pretty quick, but she was able to wiggle her fingers and move her arm so I we decided to watch her before we took her to the ER. When I put her in the truck she used her left arm to grab her baby doll but when she tried to lift up the doll she started screaming again and that made up my mind that I needed to take her in but for some reason Brandi said well if it is still hurting her in the morning we can take her in! (guys just don't understand the power of a mothers intuition) So we had our friend Joe come oven and help Brandi giver her a blessing and shortly after that I took her in to the ER and 4 hours later they confirmed that she fractured her arm right above her elbow. Because it is a soft splint she keeps taking it off then coming to me and saying owie mommy and I'm like you think??? LOL so it will be nice to get the hard cast on her. Last night Lilly decided to freak me out too by falling off the couch right onto the tile! Thank goodness she didn't hurt herself! Needless to say I have been a little stressed, oh well I guess you just have to roll with the punches.
Posted by Boomers Bunch at 2:53 PM 12 comments
Friday, April 4, 2008
Last night when I put Jade to bed she actually said I Love You back to me for the first time!!!!!!!! She is quite stubborn when it come to talking, she would rather point and grunt. I came back into the front room to get Lilly and put her to bed and I told Brandi I am such a girl cause I started to cry when Jade said I Love You. LOL anyways that is my exciting news :-)
Posted by Boomers Bunch at 8:11 AM 5 comments
Friday, March 28, 2008
Flashback Friday
I know this is quite a jump from baby pics to this but it's what i have scanned for now. This was on Brandi's Birthday a few months after we started dating. Instead of heart-attacking his room for Valentine's Day like everyone else does, I figured I would change it up and do this on his B-day, and as you can see he still has some of the hearts still on the bed and the rest of them he has in a baggie with all his other photo's! He is soooo cute when it comes to stuff like this and I love that about him. Oh and the date was March 6, 2002
Posted by Boomers Bunch at 10:54 PM 8 comments
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Ok so I just realized I don't have any pics of Jade on here plus Brandi is insistant that Jade looks more like me than him. So lets take a poll and see what everyone thinks!!!
Posted by Boomers Bunch at 5:16 PM 10 comments
Friday, March 21, 2008
Flashback Friday
Posted by Boomers Bunch at 10:12 AM 8 comments
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Last night I asked Brandi to keep the girls busy while I get the bath you can see they slipped out from under his watchfull eye and hopped in the tub while I was switching the laundry. The funniest part was that they were having a good old time splashing and laughing until they noticed I was stinding there. Both of their smiles dissapeared real quick! LOL!
Posted by Boomers Bunch at 10:51 PM 8 comments
Sunday, March 9, 2008
A B C's of Me
A-Attached or single? Attached… for eternity!
B-Best friend? My only best friend is Brandi after that I have close friends ( every time I give the title of best friend I get burned )
C-Cake or pie? Cake
D-Day of choice? Sunday, it's the only day Brandi has off
E-Essential item? Cell phone.....LOL
F-Favorite color? Navy Blue or Burgandy
G-Gummy bears or worms? Worms
H-Hometown? Lost Wages, NV!
I-Favorite indulgence? Brandi
J-January or July? January til I get back in shape then it will be July
K-Kids? Jade Elyzabeth and Lilly Aubriana
L-Life isn’t complete without? Family & friends!
M-Marriage date? August 24, 2002
N-Number of brothers and sisters? 4 sisters and 1 brother
O-Oranges or apples? oranges
P-Phobia and fears? water I can't see the bottom of & bugs
Q- Quote? "How you Doin?!?"
R-Reason to smile? Waking up every morning!
S-Season of choice? Spring.......the summer in vegas is too hot
T-Tag three people. Anyone who would like to particpate U-Unknown fact about me? My left arm is about and inch and a half shorter than my right arm
V-Vegetable? Cauliflower
W-Worst habit? talking down to myself
X-X-ray or ultrasound?Ultrasounds
Y-Your favorite food? it's a toss up between mexican and italian
Z-Zodiac sign? Cancer
Posted by Boomers Bunch at 11:10 PM 1 comments
Friday, February 22, 2008
Balsamic Vinegar
Ok, so last night when I got back from Enrichment there were a couple guys at the house buying some VW parts from Brandi and they needed change so I hopped back into the truck and went to the atm to take out some money. All the while Jade and Lilly were inside the house doing whatever while Brandi was outside talking to the two guys. I got back just as they were leaving, they decided to get a few more things and didn't need the change anymore. I walked into the house and noticed a very sour smell. Jade came running around the corner and she was covered in brown stuff. The first thing I said was dang-it Brandi the girls are covered in POO! Well it wasn't POO it was Balsamic Vinegar! We both walk into the kitchen and Lilly is playing in a massive puddle of it and is completely covered in it, not to menchine all the broken glass she was playing in the middle of. Thank goodness neither of them got cut by the glass! I would have taken pictures but when I takes pics of something they do they think it's a good thing so i decided against it. Man that stuff stinks! LOL
Posted by Boomers Bunch at 7:45 AM 4 comments
Thursday, February 21, 2008
How I Met Brandi
How did you meet your significant other?Answer all the questions HONESTLY and repost as " How I met _____"
1. Where did you meet? The Orleans Hotel Bowling Alley.
2.What was the first thought that went through your head when you met? I thought he was so cute, but that he was too short.
3. Do you remember what he/she was wearing? Jeans and a t-shirt.
4. Where was the first time you kissed this person? That night at The Brewery, on the dance floor.
5. How did he/she ask you out? Actually I asked him out !
6. Where did you go for your first date? We went to a farewell party for a co-worker of mine at Houlahans (which is no longer open).
7. How long did you know this person before you became a couple? Well we met on Jan 4th and were a couple Jan 6th.
8. Has this person ever proposed to you? Yes, on March 16, 2002.
9. Do you and this person have kids together? 2 girls
.10. Have you ever broken the law with this person? Um, Brandi likes to speed when driving and I'm in the car with him sometimes... does that count?
11. When was the first time you realized that you liked this person? When I met him, other than the fact I thought he was too short...LOL
.12. Do you get along with any of the ex's of your partner? I haven't met any of them.
13. Do you trust this person? Completely
14. Do you see your partner in your future? He is mine for ALL ETERNITY !!!!!
15. Whats the most expensive thing this person has given you? My Wedding Ring
16. What is one thing he/she does that gets on your nerves? LOL
17. What is the one thing that you do to get on his nerves? The only thing he can't stand is hearing someone else brushing their teeth....LOL
18. Where do you see each other in 15 years from now? not sure, I broke my Crysal Ball
Posted by Boomers Bunch at 8:28 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Holy Freakin Crap!
Ok so today started out great. The girls were being good, I didn't have alot of cleaning to do and the Best part was that Brandi Gave me an afternoon at the Mirage Spa for my Valentine's gift! I had no idea what Brandi had gotten me so the front desk attendant told me I had the choice of getting a facial or a full body massage. I have had a full body massage and LOVED it but I have never recieved a facial and was in desperate need of one so I chose that. The lady that did my facial was AWESOME! She told me that I have Rosacia ( ithink that is how it is spelled) along with combination skin, so she started off with a Glycolic peel which wasn't even included in the package! she said she I realy needed it bad and plus she realy wanted me to enjoy my firs facial so she threw it in for FREE! How freakin awesome is that, I am totally going to keep going to her! The last part of the facial was a Sour Cherry Chocolate Mask, it is usuallyy aa regular Cherry Chocolate Mask but since I have Rosacia she changed it to what was recommended. I was surprised at how relaxing and how yummy the whole experience was....I am so hooked! Well on the way home I called Brandi to ask him if he wanted me to stop off at Macayo's to get soem chips, salsa and hot sauce. He of course said yes but after I got off the freeway I realized I didn't have my wallet with me because I only took my ID with me so I got back onto the freeway and went from the 95 to the 15 to get home. Well I was headed north and about half a mile before the Lake Mead exit I saw a motercyclist and a car swurve to miss something, they missed it but the truck behind them hit it and it was a 2x4 piece of wood which flew right into my windshield! There is NO reason whatsoever that I shouldn't have cause a huge wreck on the freeway because of it. I saw it fly towards me and cringed because I thought it was going to come through my windshield and hit me. Thank goodness it didn't and when I somehow pulled off to the shoulder of the freeway which I don't realy remember doing I settled down just enough to stop crying and call Brandi to tell him what happened. I also had to call my friend Lexi that lives just a few houses down to see if she would watch our kids while Brandi comes to drive the truck home while I drove the caprice home. I couldn't see through the windshield good enough and you knwo men "I can do it" which he did. Right after I got off the freeway I said a little prayer thanking my Heaavenly Father for keeping me safe, because I knwo it could have been alot worse.
Posted by Boomers Bunch at 9:47 PM 3 comments
Monday, February 11, 2008
Just a little something
I ust wanted to add a little something more until something new or exciting happens ! Well a funny thing happened about two weeks ago......Brandi decided he was going to start teasing Jade and say NO Jade My MOMMY! Needless to say Jade did not like this at all and they started going back and forth saying No My MOMMY. Well about a week after Brandi started this we had just gotten home from running a few arrends when he leaned over and gave me a kiss........Jade yelled and I mean yelled at Brandi saying NO Daddy My MOMMY! I was laughing so hard my stomach hurt, and he thought he was Jade's favorite! LOL
Posted by Boomers Bunch at 9:32 PM 1 comments
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Here I am!!!
So I am finally a blogger! Thanks to my friend Jen whom helped me get one started.
Posted by Boomers Bunch at 10:29 PM 3 comments