Thursday, April 24, 2008

Jade's Pretty cast

Well here is Jade's pretty pink cast. Every morning when I go in to get her out of bed she tells me pretty mommy pretty and I thought this was gonna be tough! LOL! That and the fact that she kept having Brandi and I wrap the ace bandage around her head had us crackin up! We go back to the Dr. on monday to get it taken off so I wont have to worry about getting knocked in the face with the cast every time she wants to gives me a hug.


Blissful & Domestic said...

Thanks for your sweet comment. You should have Brandi get you a digital sewing machine. That is what my new one is and you don't have to use the foot pedal. It is super easy and you can do cool stuff with them.

D'On Marx said...

She's so funny!

TIA EVANS said...

That is too funny. She is something else

Melody said...

Too funny! Congrats on the cast coming off!:)

Sarah said...

She sure looks cute in that cast, but I am sure it will be nice to have it off.

Tabatha & Michael Stimpson said...

DANG!! that was quick!!! u and jaders got lucky. brakelle had hers on for like 2 months!! infact most of the summer she had it on. brakelle saw this pic of jade and she said "hey! we match!! i got the same color!!" im glad jade doesn't have to have it on that long and for you too!! no one likes getting knocked out by a pink cast!!

Krista said... cute!!